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Héctor Allende, Jorge Galbiati (1998). "Robust Tests in Time Series Models", Statistica, Journal of the Inter American Statistical Institute, vol 48 No. 150, p.35-79.

Héctor Allende, Jorge Galbiati, Rony Vallejos (1998). "Digital Image Restoration using Autoregressive Time Series Models", Image Processing Techniques, Proceedings of the Second Latino-American Seminar on Radar Remote Sensing, Santos, Brasil. European Space Agency Publications Division, SP-434, pp. 53-59.

Héctor Allende, Jorge Galbiati (1999). Discussion of "Using Statistics and Statistical Thinking to Improve Organizational Performance", by S.B. Dransfield, N.I. Fisher, N.J. Vogel. International Statistical Review, vol. 67, Nr. 2, pp. 122-125.

Héctor Allende, Jorge Galbiati, Rony Vallejos (2002). "Robust Image Modelling on Image Processing", Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 22, pp. 1219-1231.

Héctor Allende, Jorge Galbiati (2004). " A non-parametric filter for digital image restoration, using cluster analysis". Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 25, pp. 841-847.

Héctor Allende, Jorge Galbiati (2005). "Edge detection in contaminated images, using cluster analysis". Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 3773, pp. 955-953.

Héctor Allende, Alejandro Frery, Jorge Galbiati, Luis Pizarro (2006). "M-estimators with asymetric influence functions: the GA0 distribution case". Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, vol. 76 Nr. 11, pp. 941-956.

Jorge Galbiati, Héctor Allende, Carlos Becerra (2009). "Dynamic image segmentation method using hierarchical clustering". Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 5856 pp. 177-184.

Jorge Galbiati (2001). "Tablas de Probabilidad". Editado por el Instituto de Estadística, P.U.C.V.

Héctor Allende, Enrique Canessa, Jorge Galbiati (2005). Diseño de Experimentos Industriales. Editorial Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María. ISBN 956-7051-08-9